
  • Cooking Tip - Soak the onions in water for about 10 minutes before chopping to avoid tears
  • Cooking Tip - Adding few drops of oil to the rice before cooking it will prevent it from becoming sticky.
  • Cooking Tip - Before grating cheese, apply some oil in the grater to prevent it from sticking.
  • Baking Tip - Butter loses moisture the longer it sits in the fridge, which can cause your baked goods to be dry. Buy and use the freshest butter you can find.
  • Cooking Tip - When boiling potatoes or eggs, add a pinch of salt to the water. This will help peel the skin easily later.
  • Baking Tip - To get a Cake with a level top - scoop out a little batter from the centre to form a small depression and shift it to the sides, before putting the cake in the oven.
  • Cooking Tip - Use heavy bottomed vessel for boiling milk and for preparations using milk like kheer. Before adding the milk, a little water can be added to the vessel to avoid the milk from sticking to the bottom and getting burnt.
  • Baking Tip - Butter is the starting point for an immense amount of baked goods, so it's important to have it prepped as the recipe suggests. The temperature of butter can dramatically affect the texture of baked goods.
  • Cooking Tip - To make softer chapattis, take the flour, add warm water and some warm milk and knead the dough. Let it rest for 15 minutes before making chapattis.
  • Baking Tip - Read the Recipe Before Beginning. Reading ahead will help you know the how, why, where, and when of what you are about to do. It will take you 1-5 minutes and could save you from wasting your ingredients (and money!) on a failed dessert.
  • Cooking Tip - Toasting nuts, rice, rava and dal (lentils) before cooking with it increases its flavors considerably.